2020 was not one of the best years for most people, all over the world. Just two months into the year, the devastating news of a lethal virus hit the news headlines all over the world. Well, the COVID-19 virus hit China earlier on in 2019 but its news had not spread so far.  Fast forward to 2020 December and the virus was still much with us and was just as, if not more, deadly than when it was first discovered in China in late 2019. The year rolled into 2021 with news of devastating deaths to the virus all over. Not a great way to end nor begin a year.

Despite the pandemic,  life goes on and we still have to strive to put our lives in order. So, have you been setting goals and resolutions every new year but all backfire on you? Do you set goals and get lazy months into the year and fail miserably in the end? Well, here are a few tips that might help you achieve your goals and resolutions in 2021, and going forward.


1. Set Small Manageable Goals 

When you set your resolutions for a new year, or your resolutions over time, make them small and manageable. Particularly if you are just starting or are struggling to meet set targets, do not be overambitious. Start small, make those baby steps towards bigger goals and resolutions. In other words, set realistic goals. Also, you need to write down these goals and set a timeline for them. Have a notebook specifically meant for this purpose and indicate clear timelines by which you shall have achieved the set targets.

2. Share your goals with people you trust.

Once you have outlined your resolutions, share them with someone you can trust. "Why share my goals with anyone though?", you might ask. Well, you need to be accountable to someone. Having someone who will constantly check the progress you have made and keep reminding you when you slack will greatly fire up your spirit and keep you in check whenever laziness and procrastination sets in.

3. Break your goals into daily tasks.

However long term your resolutions might be, breaking them into daily tasks will help you commit to them and in the long run, achieve them. Doing something daily that correlates to your goal speeds up the process. It helps you keep steady and maintain a clear focus on the result.

4. Learn from your mistakes

Whenever something goes wrong along the way, do not give up. Use such setbacks as stepping stones towards higher marks. Learn from the mistakes you have made and start all over again if need be, rather than abandoning the cause altogether. 

5. Reward your accomplishments

Learn to appreciate the steps you make, however small. Reward your milestones with whatever you desire and is within your reach. Rewards motivate the spirit. Motivation sparks action. Action leads to greater success. Reward yourself, stay motivated and keep soaring.

You might not have achieved all your set goals and resolutions in the past. You might have encountered drawbacks that dampened your spirit. You might have felt like quitting. The question is, what good does resignation do you? Keep going. 


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